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Strategic Communication

Visual Coaching & Mind Mapping





Are you shifting focus in your career or personal life? Looking to revisit your goals or plan out your next few years? Are you facing a challenge that could use some inspired solutions? When was the last time you stopped and thought about how effective your business tactics are?

With a combination of strategic prompts and real-time mind mapping, Tolagbe uses a collaborative visual coaching approach to help you gain clarity and maintain focus on whatever you’re trying to solve.

Now is the time to get traction and take your business to the next level with this powerful- Clarity Session!

Identifying Assumptions

Where is your head at? How is that affecting the business decisions you make.

Establishing your position

It’s surprising what a fresh set of eyes can discern. You get unbiased information backed with psychological insights.

Synergy & Optimisation

Who should you be talking to? Who knows about you? What small tweaks can make a major impact?

Laying out the path to execution

The rest is up to you.


Having been involved with infrastructure development and finance in Nigeria for a long time, I am able to support governments to make effective use of investments from local and international private sources to improve service delivery.

The application of public–private partnerships (PPP) as a project delivery method has been expanding globally. I have been at the forefront of PPP planning, procurement advisory, asset management, and its evolution from pure privatization to more complex partnerships.

As an expert in the design, construction, finance, operation and maintenance of infrastructure, I am uniquely placed to advise the public sector or their private partners on strategies to achieve their respective objectives throughout the life of a PPP project.

In the early planning stages of a project, I advise on feasibility, delivery options, risk analysis, and value for money, utilizing core engineering and commercial knowledge gained from the successful delivery and operation of a broad range of PPP projects.


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernard Shaw

Good ideas fail. People often blame execution while missing the important step of acceptance and culture. Public Relations experts are often brought in too late, well after the blind spots have been ‘baked in’. We provide stakeholder mapping and can tailor your material to suit each audience including the translation and transliteration of ideas into simple English and local languages.


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